Aluminium Paste
Aluminium Paste
Aluminium Paste
Aluminium Paste

Aluminium Paste

Aluminium pigments/pastes are used to create metallic effects and are found in a wide range of paints, coatings, inks and plastics.  Aluminium pastes are available in leafing and non-leafing types.

In leafing grades, surface tension causes the aluminium flakes to float to the surface of the coating and arrange in parallel and helps achieve high metallic sheen. The leafing effect gives a high level of reflectance. A variety of leafing pastes are available based on different particle size distributions and solvents. Leafing pigments are produced using stearic acid, non-leafing pigments are produced using unsaturated fatty acids eg oleic acid.

Non leafing Aluminium paste is a very thin scale-like aluminium pigment made by pulverizing and grinding extremely pure aluminium powder or foil. Non-leafing pigments are distributed evenly in the coating film, in contrast to the leafing pigments tendency to align at the surface. The non-leafing effect can be achieved by using unsaturated fatty acids in the milling process or by using leafing pigments with polar solvents. Non-leafing pigments gives less mirror effect in coatings compared to leafing pigments.

In coatings leafing grades float to the surface of the coating whereas non-leafing grades are uniformly distributed within the coating. Non-leafing pigments gives less of a mirror effect compared to leafing pigments.  We stock both types of Aluminium Pastes.

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